Do You Want to Help?
Without the support of people like you, Taylor House wouldn't exist. How you help all depends on what you are comfortable with, what means the most to you.
Things You Can Do Where You Are:
Like our Facebook page and share the posts
Sign up for our newsletter and share it with others
Remember us in your personal prayers/religious rituals
Create a fundraiser
Call us up to request a speaker for your church/business/civic organization
Ask your congregation to include us in the prayers
Organize a study group on issues of homelessness
Make quilts, hats, mittens
Remember us during Lenten study/programs
Sign up to be a Bellringer at Christmastime
Things You Can Do At The Shelter:
Help residents with online job and apartment searches/applications
Help with craft or gardening projects
Help a resident to write a resume
Give someone advice on improving credit and financial management
Organize and put away donations
Be a volunteer driver to take a resident for a drive, go to church services, etc.
Organize a special event at the shelter: movie night, Holiday celebrations, etc.
Run errands
If You Have Specialized Skills and/or Certifications We Need:
Someone fluent in Spanish to interpret for us
Someone who can counsel people with mental illness/chemical dependency
Someone to watch babies/small children while Mom is job hunting
Anything that has you in contact with residents will require us to do a background check and have you sign a confidentiality agreement.
Many tasks are done on an “as needed” basis: If you are available to be put on a list and called on when a need arises, that would be greatly helpful!
If you want to help, give us a call: 715-785-5212 M-F 8-4:30 or fill out the form and get it back to us at 509 Lemke Ave. Medford, WI 54451